Disclaimer / Impressum / Privacy Policy


FA-Magdeburg GmbH
Schönebecker Str. 119, 39104 Magdeburg
HRB 101967 Stendal, USt-ID: DE139233645

Fon: 0391 603013 Fax: 0391 603014


Verantwortlich gemäß § 5 TMG (Telemediengesetzes) sowie gemäß § 55 RStV, DSGVO ist Ralf Sachsenmaier


Vlad Marinescu


Vlad Marinescu, Andreas Sachsenmaier


Die FA-Magdeburg GmbH ist nicht für die Inhalte fremder Seiten verantwortlich, die über einen Link erreicht werden. Die FA-Magdeburg GmbH hat diese Internet-Seiten und die darauf befindlichen Links nach bestem Wissen erstellt und ist stets darum bemüht, die Richtigkeit und Aktualität sicherzustellen. Jedoch sind alle Angaben und Links nur zur allgemeinen Information bestimmt und stellen keine geschäftliche, rechtliche oder sonstige Beratungsdienstleistung dar. Sie erfolgen daher ohne Gewähr und unter Ausschluss jeglicher Haftung. Die Europäische Kommission ist für die Inhalte dieser Website nicht verantwortlich.

Die von der FA-Magdeburg GmbH in ihrem Internetangebot veröffentlichten Rechtsgrundlagen sind sorgfältig zusammengestellt, erheben aber keinen Anspruch auf Aktualität, sachliche Korrektheit oder Vollständigkeit; eine entsprechende Gewähr wird nicht übernommen. Die Wiedergabe mit Quellenangabe ist vorbehaltlich anderslautender Bestimmungen gestattet.

The companies involved in the IP4J project are not responsible for, and expressly disclaims all liability for, damages of any kind arising out of use, reference to, or reliance on any information contained within the site. While the information contained within the site is periodically updated, no guarantee is given that the information provided in this Web site is correct, complete, and up-to-date.

Although the IP4J Web site may include links providing direct access to other Internet resources, including Web sites, the companies involved in the IP4J project are not responsible for the accuracy or content of information contained in these sites.

Links from the IP4J Web site to third-party sites do not constitute an endorsement by the companies involved in the IP4J project of the parties or their products and services. The appearance on the Web site of advertisements and product or service information does not constitute an endorsement by the companies involved in the IP4J project.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Angaben zu den Verfahren automatisierter Verarbeitung (§ 4e Satz 1 Nr. 4- 9 BDSG)

Zweckbestimmungen der Datenerhebung, -verarbeitung oder -nutzung

Gegenstand der Gesellschaften ist es, die Berufsausbildung, die berufliche Fortbildung und Umschulung zu fördern, als Träger von Aus-, Fort- und Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen aufzutreten. Im Rahmen des Gesellschaftszecks fördert die Gesellschaft die Integration von gesellschaftlichen Gruppen in das Berufsleben und den Arbeitsmarkt durch geeignete Maßnahmen. Die FA-Magdeburg GmbH kann als Träger für EU-Projekte auftreten. Zu den Aufgaben der FA-Magdeburg GmbH gehört auch die Zusammenarbeit mit staatlichen Institutionen, Schulen und Verbänden sowie der Wirtschaft in allen Fragen der beruflichen Ausbildung, Fortbildung, Umschulung und Integration in das Arbeitsleben. Die FA-Magdeburg GmbH erhebt, speichert und verarbeitet personenbezogenen Daten zur Erfüllung der zuvor beschriebenen Zwecke, zur Personalverwaltung und zur Erfüllung sozialversicherungsrechtlicher gesetzlicher Verpflichtungen.

Empfänger/Kategorien von Empfängern, denen die Daten mitgeteilt werden können:

Öffentliche Stellen, die Daten aufgrund gesetzlicher Vorschriften erhalten (z.B. Sozialversicherungsträger, Finanzbehörden, Zuwendungsgeber von EU-Fördermitteln).

Interne Stellen, die an der Ausführung der jeweiligen Geschäftsprozesse beteiligt sind sofern zur Erfüllung der unter Punkt “Transfer to third parties” genannten Zwecke erforderlich.

Externe Auftragnehmer (Dienstleistungsunternehmen) entsprechend § 11 BDSG zur Abwicklung der Verarbeitung der Daten in unserem Auftrag (sofern zur Erfüllung der unter Punkt 4 genannten Zwecke erforderlich).

Weitere externe Stellen wie z.B. Kreditinstitute (Gehaltszahlungen, Lieferantenrechnungen), gruppenzugehörige Unternehmen oder andere externe Stellen zur Erfüllung der oben genannten Zwecke, soweit der/die Betroffene seine/ihre schriftliche Einwilligung erklärt hat, dies zur Vertragserfüllung erforderlich oder eine Übermittlung aus überwiegendem berechtigten Interesse zulässig ist (sofern zur Erfüllung der unter Punkt “Transfer to third parties” genannten Zwecke erforderlich).


Personen unter 18 Jahren sollten ohne Zustimmung der Eltern oder Erziehungsberechtigten keine personenbezogenen Daten an uns übermitteln. Wir fordern keine personenbezogenen Daten von Minderjährigen an, sammeln diese nicht und geben sie nicht an Dritte weiter.

Geplante Datenübermittlung in Drittstaaten:

Eine Übermittlung in Drittstaaten ist nicht geplant, sofern nicht innerhalb von EU-Projekten gefordert und gefördert (basierend auf der gültigen Rechtslage).

Privacy Statement


Your personal data (e.g. title, name, house address, e-mail address, phone number, bank details, credit card number) are processed by us only in accordance with the provisions of German data privacy laws. The following provisions describe the type, scope and purpose of collecting, processing and utilizing personal data. This data privacy policy applies only to our web pages. If links on our pages route you to other pages, please inquire there about how your data are handled in such cases.

Anonymous Data

If you use the site’s offer, Internet servers (web servers) automatically record technical access data, such as the name of your internet service provider, the website from which you visit us, the websites you visit. The data sets are evaluated exclusively for statistical purposes in order to get an overview of the frequency of access to individual segments. This anonymous evaluation helps us to adapt our web offer to your needs. A transfer of data to third parties does not take place.

Registration on our website

When registering for the use of our online course, some personal information will be collected, such as nickname and e-mail address. If you are registered with, you can access content and services that we offer only to registered users. Registered users also have the option of changing or deleting the data specified during registration at any time. Of course, we also provide you with information about the personal data we hold about you at any time. We are happy to rectify or delete these at your request, as far as no statutory storage requirements preclude. To contact us in this context, please use the contact details given at the end of this Privacy Policy.

SSL encryption

To protect the security of your data during transmission, we use standard encryption techniques (such as SSL) over HTTPS on webpages, who are asking for data.

Inventory data

We use personal information only for the purposes set out in this Privacy Policy (for example, to process inquiries and feedback on learning content). In addition, personal data will only be collected, processed or used by us for the purpose of safeguarding the legitimate commercial interests of FA-Magdeburg GmbH.

Pursuant to § 34 and § 35 of the Federal Data Protection Act, you as the user have the right to demand information at any time about which data are stored by us and for what purpose this storage takes place. In addition, you may correct incorrect data or delete data that is not permitted or no longer necessary to store.

Personal inventory data are information that can be used to discover your identity. This includes information such as your real name, address, postal address, telephone number. Information that is not directly related to your real identity (such as favorite websites or number of users of a site) is not covered. You can use our online offer without revealing your identity. In connection with your access, data is stored on our servers for backup purposes, which may allow identification (for example IP address, date, time and pages viewed). There is no personal utilization. The statistical analysis of anonymous data records remains reserved.

Transfer to third parties

A transfer of personal data to third parties or use beyond the processing of the request does not occur. If forwarding to third parties is required to answer your request, the consent of the requesting party shall be deemed to have been granted. In addition, we do not share this information with third parties without your express consent. Insofar as we are legally obliged to do so or by court order, we will forward your data to authorized sources. We only use your personal information within the SBH Group. A transfer to third countries does not take place.

Information about cookies

(1) To optimize our web presence, we use cookies. These are small text files stored in your computer’s main memory. These cookies are deleted after you close the browser. Other cookies remain on your computer (long-term cookies) and permit its recognition on your next visit. This allows us to improve your access to our site.
(2) You can prevent storage of cookies by choosing a “disable cookies” option in your browser settings. But this can limit the functionality of our Internet offers as a result.

Server Log files

The provider of the pages automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files, which your browser automatically transmits to us. These are:

Browser type / browser version
used operating system
Referrer URL
Host name of the accessing computer
Time of the server request

These data can not be assigned to specific persons. A merge of this data with other data sources will not be done. We reserve the right to check this data retrospectively, if we become aware of specific indications for illegal use.

For further information, please visit https://hosting.ionos.de/terms-gtc/terms-privacy/

Further Information

All employees are obliged to safeguard data secrecy and data protection in accordance with § 5 BDSG when commencing their activities. Our cooperation partners are also bound by analogous legal regulations to maintain confidentiality. The data provided by you are protected by suitable technical and organizational means with the aim of protecting your data against accidental or intentional manipulation, loss, destruction, access by unauthorized persons or unauthorized disclosure to third parties. Our security measures are continuously monitored and improved according to the technical developments and organizational possibilities.

Standard deadlines for the deletion of the data

The legislature has issued a variety of storage obligations and deadlines, which essentially requires a retention period of 10 years, but in some cases are lower. In addition, deviations may result from statutory or contractual retention periods. After expiration of these deadlines, the corresponding data will be routinely deleted when they are no longer required to fulfill the contract. If data are not affected, they will be deleted if the purpose is omitted.

Right of withdrawal

If you have given us personal data, you can have it deleted at any time. Data for billing and accounting purposes are not affected by a termination or deletion.


According to the Federal Data Protection Act, you have a right to free-of-charge information about your stored data, and possibly entitlement to correction, blocking or deletion of such data. Inquiries can be directed to the following e-mail addresses: (mail[at]fa-md.de)

Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.


We use a certain method for embedding videos that refers to the privacy policy of the provider Youtube / Google. At the time, a cookie is only saved on your computer when the video is started playing. For more information about YouTube’s official privacy policy, please visit: https://policies.google.com/privacy

If you want to be sure that no data is being saved on Youtube, do not click on the embedded videos.